Burn zone

This Pie-Eating Contest is Hereby Complete

This Pie-Eating Contest is Hereby Complete

(If backpacking is to thru-hiking as eating a bite of delicious pie is to entering a pie-eating contest)

So Much Diversity in SoCal

So Much Diversity in SoCal

More rain, another creek, a fire with less destruction, our lowest elevations yet, and a brand-new monument

Pleasantly Surprised In the San Bernadinos

Pleasantly Surprised In the San Bernadinos

Deep Creek Canyon, spiders, snakes, hot springs, back to the mountains, podium time, getting tired

Alone On the Trail But Never Far From Civilization

Alone On the Trail But Never Far From Civilization

Rain in SoCal, very fresh fires, a bonus town night, and solitude on the trail as we transition from the San Gabriels to the San Bernadino Mountains

Desperados and Boy Scouts in the San Gabriel Mountains

Angeles Crest through the San Gabriel Mountains, section hikers day hiking, Coulter Pine (a new tree), poodle dog bush, Boy Scouts aplenty, and brekkie with friends

Nothing Has Changed, and Yet It Feels Different

Nothing Has Changed, and Yet It Feels Different

Passing the midway mark just means we get to keep enjoying every single day on-trail as we continue our progress towards the southern terminus